Please click on the question for which you want help.
I want to know the status of my application.
I sent my application signature page but my application status still shows that it is not received.
I have forgotten my username and password or my password does not work.
I cannot print my signature page.
I want to scan and attach my supporting documents.
I am having a technical problem using ACTS Online.
I have submitted an application and want to report a change in my address, email, or phone number.
I want to submit additional supporting documents for my application.
I want a copy of military records or a copy of my DD Form 214 (discharge).
I want my Army discharge changed.
I want my Army military records corrected.
I want to change my name, gender, or SSN on my discharge or military records.
I have a question about Army military awards.
I have a question about Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard records or discharge.
I have a question that is not addressed here.